Thursday, December 10, 2009
Where have I been?
Life has gotten in the way of lots of things recently. The Blog was the first thing to be trimmed to save time. Updates are coming soon. This should hold you for now...
Monday, September 28, 2009
CX time in TN
Check out his races...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
So far this summer I had been lucky enough to somehow miss most of the major greenway flooding. I either was running from encroaching storms or just getting rained on as they started most of the summer. Today a thunderstorm sat over west/downtown knox for about 30 minutes dumping a sizable deluge right before I left work. While the 3rd Creek greenway was relatively flood free I was met with quite the river on the west Knox greenways. I now know why the damn cement paths are so slick.
Squeaky brakes.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Rocky Fork Exploration #1
I’ve been drumming up Rocky fork as a legit mtn bike destination for some time now. I used to get up there with my best high school friend and dad a reasonable amount back in those days. With a recent land acquisition Rocky Fork was again thrust into the news and it seems finally this pristine area is now under the watchful eye of some people who won’t develop it. Abby and I took off for a day to do some exploratory riding in the old stomping grounds.
One thing I failed to recognize is that in 10 years a lot can change on trails. New ones are opened and old ones are allowed to revert back to a more primitive status or disappear completely. The latter was true of much of my childhood memories for the day, but now I have a good feeling for the lay of what is still a viable option and what is not for riding. I’m hoping to lead some folks around in a month or so to check out what the area has to offer. One word of caution I will offer is that Rocky Fork is not for beginners, especially some of the older trails. I become intimately familiar with what a true rock garden and creek bed riding is by the close of our riding. Flowing single track and easy riding are not hallmarks of this primitive wilderness’s trails system. That being said the ride was a blast and the lush forest was a welcome change to the norm.
We met my parents at the trail head and they went for a hike with our dogs as we proceeded to ride on old loop I remembered doing.
This area also has a natural trout population that's pretty stout this year.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
2 years and Opening Day
This was Boogy's first hunt and we were a little worried about him maybe being gun shy. A hard fear to break, I was a bit nervous going out there with him. I've got him trained to run to my side when we're defending the yard from house eating squirrels or starlings with the air rifle, but shotguns are much louder.