Thursday, February 25, 2010

Story Time!

So last Friday I went to East Knoxville elementary school to read to the 3rd and 4th grade classes there.  I took a few cultures of bacteria to show them. (Different pigmented phototrophs, some pigmented bacteria on plates, and some bioluminescent bacteria).  I read to them "living Sunlight"  and they enjoyed that and the props I brought in very much.  It was very exciting to see kids excited as much as these classes were about science.   They made me some super sweet thank you cards, which I have proudly posted outside my office for my co-workers to be jealous over. I think connecting with kids though this kind of program the school had going will go a long way to garnering a healthy interest in science and other professions for our future generations.    

"Tubes of microbial plants!

Bacteria can be pretty and grow in pretty shapes.

My awesome thank you card.

Complete with sweet autographs.

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